The Greatest Joshua Dudley Fan Club Links Page Ever
Issue One
The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence
Issue Two
Incredibly Witty Commentary about Traffic
Issue Three
Not Available
Issue Four
This Came Out the Day after the September 11 Tragedy
Issue Five
More response to the tragedy and an old news commentary from 1998
Issue Six
How not to write a humor column
Issue Seven
This column talks about my bright hope for the future
Issue Eight
I'm so old I can't remember what this column is about but I think its me laughing about the travails of youth - cough, cough
Issue Nine
Josh on Corporate Slogans and Missions Statements (funny) dang I'm biased...
Issue Ten
I know it's hard to believe but this issue focuses on the importance of shoelaces
Issue Eleven
I went out on a limb and here and laughed at television commercials
Issue Twelve
Presenting everyone's favorite topic - the fun of banking!
Issue Thirteen
Be careful after washing your hands!
Issue Fourteen
I don't really like American Idol if you can tell from this issue.
Issue Fifteen
Don't you just love customer service?
Issue Sixteen
I think gas stations are fun when they aren't boring.
Issue Seventeen
This issue is surprisingly about nothing.
Issue Eighteen
Have you ever wondered just how good beef jerky could taste?