I Remember When I was Little
I remember when I was little
I used to fall over all the time
I couldn’t tie my shoes
and I couldn’t tell time
I sure couldn’t ride a two-wheeled bike
and there weren’t any vegetables that I actually did like
I didn’t brush my teeth
And I didn’t wash my hair
If you found someplace clean
Then I wouldn’t be there
I didn’t know my left
And I didn’t know my right
And I kind of thought the sun was awfully bright
I don’t know about red
But I really liked green
And my crabby big sister sure was mean
I played in the sand
And I played in the dirt
Cuz everybody knows that dirt don’t hurt
It would have come in handy
If I could make up my bed
But if I had to choose
I would nap instead
But there’s one thing I do know
And this I can say
I’ll never be like that again
I turn 7 years old today